To get a rest from the green shades of the Artischoke I continue to stitch samplers from the "Thank you, Sarah Tobias" booklet by Blackbird Designs. This one is quite unusual for me - three close colours plus black, but I found it very attractive, so I stitched it second after Blooms for Sarah:

Вышивала на 40ct льне, крашеном чаем и запеченом слегка в духовке. Нитки - три оттенка ДМС и Dinky-Dyes (Charcoal). Оформлю в рамку позже, т.к. та, что я предполагала и которую недавно видела в магазине, просто исчезла :-( Эх. Сашину бы багетку сейчас..
Stitched on 40ct Linen, dyed with tea and baked, DMC, Dinky-Dyes (Charcoal). I will frame it later, the frame I thought about dissapeared from the shop where I saw it sometime ago :-(
Stitched on 40ct Linen, dyed with tea and baked, DMC, Dinky-Dyes (Charcoal). I will frame it later, the frame I thought about dissapeared from the shop where I saw it sometime ago :-(

Хорошей погоды!
Have a nice day!